Buscar en las Citas de Amando Cada Día

Aquí hay tres formas de buscar a través de la historia de más de 5,000 citas de Loving Each Day de John-Roger y John Morton.

You can feel happy simply because you experience happiness in your nature. Real, lasting happiness does not come at the detriment of others or through againstness or denial of reality. You can learn to be happy and not in conflict with others or situations, regardless of what is going on. Others may not agree with your happiness. They may think that you are responding inappropriately. Clearly, there is too much pain, suffering, and misery in the world, so there is no need to add to it. If your happiness is misunderstood or judged by others, you can turn it to peace, understanding, and compassion by choosing to be happy regardless.
-John Morton, DSS
Fuente: You Are the Blessings