Buscar en las Citas de Amando Cada Día

Aquí hay tres formas de buscar a través de la historia de más de 5,000 citas de Loving Each Day de John-Roger y John Morton.

Judgments can be projected toward other people and things outside of yourself. If you pick up the newspapers and read about people or events that you then decide are bad, evil, wrong, etc., then you have judged and set yourself up to become the nature of your judgments. Some people might ask, "But what about all the terrible things that people do and that happen in the world? Am I supposed to pretend they are wonderful and that there are not any problems and troubles in the world?" No. Judging takes place when you unnecessarily and negatively interpret what you experience or perceive.
-John Morton, DSS
Fuente: The Blessings Already Are