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Aquí hay tres formas de buscar a través de la historia de más de 5,000 citas de Loving Each Day de John-Roger y John Morton.

When I think about someone else, I have a loving regard toward them. You may ask, "What about the guy that bombed a village and twenty-eight people died, and forty-three were injured, many of them children?" That guy, especially. "Why would you care about him? He should be damned to hell." I don't see that as my place, in a consciousness of peace. My place is the attitude that "there must be some hurt that is so deep, so severe in you that would cause you to do such a terrible thing. If you were really conscious of your being, you would never have hurt someone else, and hurting you is really not going to solve the situation." Should that person be out on the street? Should they just do whatever they please? No. There is a consciousness of peace that stops the againstness, that is the cessation of the againstness. There are people who are willing to put their bodies on the line, who are willing to face the perpetrators of violence and againstness with the power that stops the againstness and restores the peace. "Peace officers" is an appropriate designation for those who are charged with keeping and restoring the peace. It's really important that we confront the violence that is in this world and the situations in this world that are violent. As we choose the peace that is present then we are the peacemakers.
-John Morton, DSS