Buscar en las Citas de Amando Cada Día

Aquí hay tres formas de buscar a través de la historia de más de 5,000 citas de Loving Each Day de John-Roger y John Morton.

The first focus of an initiate is our attention to God. We bring our attention into the experience we have with God's way. We have that first as an inner experience of revelation. As we have that revealed to us, we take on that responsibility. If you have a singular glimpse of a moment where the Light and energy of God is revealed - even just for an instant - you then have a responsibility for the rest of your life. You have seen and you have known in that instant. You might have a sense like, "Maybe I made that up. Maybe that was not real. Maybe I am no longer worthy. Maybe God faked me out. Maybe that was the devil masquerading. Maybe, maybe, maybe." Regardless of the conditions, we are called upon to hold and to trust in God.
-John Morton, DSS