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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Aug 11, 2000

Caring is a blessing that is an expression of loving. It's how loving makes itself known. It is a consciousness that allows another -- and yourself -- to be received in love. That's the consciousness of caring: It embraces through love, it touches in love, it speaks in love. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Aug 06, 2000

Perhaps you have heard the admonishment, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." (Matthew 7:1) In other words, do not judge unless you want to become that judgment. Some people might question this, asking, "Are you saying that if I break my leg and it really hurts, then I should pretend my leg is not broken and does not hurt?" No, I am not suggesting that you deny your experiences. In fact, it is imperative to acknowledge your experience. What I am saying is that a judgment is a negative and unnecessary interpretation of your experience. If you decide that because your leg is broken and hurts, your life is ruined, you have judged yourself and your situation. Likewise, if you declare your life not worth living and in turn curse your existence, you have again judged yourself. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Aug 01, 2000

If you want to know how you become happy, what the secret of happiness is, then get close to God. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jul 26, 2000

If you wonder, "Where is the source of wealth?" it comes from the invisible. Wealth is bringing down what is unmanifest into the manifest. (That is where all the blessings come from.) As we invoke that into the material world, it can manifest as anything that money can buy -- all of that. But true wealth really is a life of plenty. True wealth is access to the Source that delivers all of our needs. Maybe most importantly, it delivers in the consciousness that we are loved, we are adored, we are served. That's the consciousness of wealth. In a sense, it is recognizing that we are royalty because we are members of God's kingdom. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jul 20, 2000

We experience the blessing of wealth by participating in the consciousness of wealth. That is a consciousness of being imbued with the power to create. It's important that we set up our attitude that we have been given the power to create wealth. There is not lack in God's creation. I say that in loud, bold, clear terms. There is wealth in God's creation. Infinite wealth. Unlimited wealth. It comes from the invisible. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jul 15, 2000

Simply put, caring is the consciousness to make things better, to extend yourself so things are lifted and are left better than you found them. That is the consciousness of caring in motion. We all have the power to choose to be caring so that our record as a consciousness will be one of caring. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jul 10, 2000

A wonderful world would be a place where we can openly, honestly share things and it's done the same way in return. Do you suppose we're going to get that world anytime soon? I don't expect it. So I am practical. I work to have people close to me whom I can openly and honestly share with. And from that base of safety and trust, I can extend my sharing out into the world. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jul 05, 2000

No matter what, you are always beautiful inside where the Lord dwells with you. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 29, 2000

Perhaps you have noticed that blessings are extensions of one another: Loving is an extension of God, caring is an extension of loving, sharing is an extension of caring. As we are more powerfully invoking and expressing our God consciousness, sharing becomes a natural way of being. It is allowing ourselves to be extended. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jun 24, 2000

I have learned to distinguish that aspect of health that is a loving consciousness, a caring, sharing consciousness, a vital consciousness. We all have the power to invoke that blessing no matter what condition we find ourselves. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jun 19, 2000

Sharing is an interesting blessing. As we come into the power of who we truly are, we take on added abilities. As a result of these abilities, things come to us that we become caretakers of. Things are given into our hands. Some of those are material things. Some of them may be things that are assigned to you even by others -- the IRS, your landlord, or the bank. When you sign on the dotted line, things get assigned to your name. That becomes part of the sharing process: extending yourself so that what is assigned to you -- what is yours -- also goes to others. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jun 08, 2000

Am I saying that none of the occurrences, situations, pain, negativity, and the life in the world is a problem? That is exactly what I am saying when problems are represented as tragedy, againstness, discouragement, and so on. A world without problems is a perfect world. God's world is a perfect world. It is not without trials and lessons, but it is only our human judgments that create the illusion that God's world -- the world we are living in -- is imperfect. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Jun 03, 2000

No matter what confronts you inwardly or outwardly, look for the most loving choices and direct your expression into actions that reflect those choices. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
May 28, 2000

The best choices will always be the most loving. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
May 23, 2000

Judgments can be projected toward other people and things outside of yourself. If you pick up the newspapers and read about people or events that you then decide are bad, evil, wrong, etc., then you have judged and set yourself up to become the nature of your judgments. Some people might ask, "But what about all the terrible things that people do and that happen in the world? Am I supposed to pretend they are wonderful and that there are not any problems and troubles in the world?" No. Judging takes place when you unnecessarily and negatively interpret what you experience or perceive. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
May 18, 2000

Loving is a blessing. There is always an opportunity to open up to greater loving. If you want to know what my work is about, the bottom line is that it is about loving. If you are invoking and evoking your loving nature, it will lead you into the highest consciousness. Loving is the opening. It is the portal. All pass in loving. All enter through loving. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
May 08, 2000

Many sacred scriptures tell us that the Lord gives and the Lord takes away. It is not too smart to attach ourselves to the materiality of this world such that when the Lord gives or takes away, we are ill-prepared for either. It is our heritage to learn to freely receive and give. This is a great key to a life of ever-increasing abundance and riches. The source of the supply is unlimited, and the opportunities on the planet are more plentiful than ever. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
May 03, 2000

Contribute more than you take. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Apr 17, 2000

It is not too soon to consider that one day you will, as will everyone, be giving up everything you possess in this world. Do you realize that you will have the opportunity to delight in dispossessing yourself of the materiality of this world? Would you rather make your passing a futile effort to hang on, not letting go in the slightest way? Or will you already be detached and freely letting go of all that you possess and have acquired? - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS
Apr 15, 2000

In short, let go and let God. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: The Blessings Already Are)

John Morton, DSS