Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Jul 23, 2005

We are in no rush with Spirit and are called upon to act like it. - John Morton, D.S.S. Live class with John Morton on FORGIVENESS! July 31, 1:00 PM pacific time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 17, 2005

Be sure to let go, trust, engage your co-creator, yeah, the Big Guy and all His emissaries, and relax, leading to bouts of smiling and laughter. That should do it quite nicely. - John Morton, D.S.S. Live class with John Morton on FORGIVENESS! July 31, 1:00 PM pacific time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 11, 2005

Someone said to me "Maybe if I stick around long enough I will learn." But even if you don't stick around long enough, Christ Jesus and friends have you covered. So relax, take it easy, enjoy the ride, enjoy the scenery, and before the next bell rings for an angel with wings, you'll be home free, meaning, as you make the claim then you come to know you are home free. And even if you don't always realize that fact of life, it's still true, so smile just the same. - John Morton, D.S.S. Live class with John Morton on FORGIVENESS! July 31, 1:00 PM pacific time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 05, 2005

Loving is what life is about, and this world is designed to reflect a process for increasing the loving. There's not a real difference between what life is about and what loving is about. They're synonymous. When we have our perceptions and our experiences that say, life is less than loving, or somehow life is an aberration from what real loving is, that's just a message that says we're not fully aware of what loving is. - John Morton, D.S.S. Live class with John Morton on FORGIVENESS! July 31, 1:00 PM pacific time at

John Morton, DSS
Jun 29, 2005

At the point we experience our loving encompassing all things, we become aware that we're more than what we perceive. We're even more than what we experience. Then we're at a point where we're reaching into God and having God reveal the fullness of what life is. This is when the Spirit in our consciousness is coming into a greater maturity. That's when we start questing for a greater reality, a greater knowing of what loving is, what God is, and who we are. That's when we start walking in the footsteps of the spiritual master. We start finding ourselves tracking where the master is going and looking for those signs that reveal the master's presence. - John Morton, D.S.S. Live class with John Morton on FORGIVENESS! July 31, 1:00 PM pacific time at

John Morton, DSS
Jun 24, 2005

As we encounter what life is, we encounter loving. And as we encounter what God is, we encounter loving. That process is something that starts transcending where we find ourselves. It starts transcending what meets us, in terms of the physicality of this world, and starts allowing us to transcend into the other worlds. The loving starts becoming something that is all-encompassing, and we realize that we are loving. - John Morton, D.S.S. Participate in a webcast class on Forgiveness with John Morton broadcast live on the Internet on Sunday, July 31st at 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Jun 18, 2005

Occasionally a person can go all the way through a lifetime and gradually become more hardened and harsh as a way of dealing with the world. Actually, that would be a very rare case because, usually, somewhere along the way, there's a visitation, a moment when no matter how dark or how cloudy or how stormy it is, the sunlight gets through and touches us, reminding us that there is more to this world than the darkness, harshness, or storm that we find. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 13, 2005

In each moment, we are always making a choice to be more loving or more unloving. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 07, 2005

In our process of dealing with the world, we play two sides. One side we could refer to as the negative, the painful, or the disturbing. The other side would be the loving, the light, and the beautiful. As we learn to play this game between two sides, we realize that one is more of our nature, or sometimes it's more of the way we would like to be. In other words, we can look upon ourselves as actually being unloving, or dark, or deep down inside, I'm no good. We can still realize, however, that underneath our negative picture of ourselves is the desire to be good. Choosing the good can be done regardless of what the world is dealing out. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 31, 2005

The spiritual master is one who stands in representing the consciousness of loving. As we seek that consciousness in the world through a direct relationship, often we are looking for what we would call a true love. We want to find somebody we can truly love, where the fullness and the power of our own loving can be entirely opened and revealed to us. We want to find someone who has the consciousness to fully accept and love who we are and then return that loving in the fullness of who they are. As we realize this consciousness, we come to a place of knowing that it is beyond a personality, and we start seeking it in someone who has that wisdom as a direct experience. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 26, 2005

As we form an attitude of unloving towards anything or anyone, we are actually always forming that attitude towards ourselves. One of the ways unloving can be recognized in our consciousness is that a hardness or harshness comes into our being. As hardness comes into our being, then we become calloused and insensitive. As we become more insensitive, then our perceptions portray a harsh and painful world in which we find ourselves. It then becomes easier to adopt an attitude towards the world resulting in our experiencing more harshness, negativity, and pain. We are then less capable of being loving, which is what we're here for. Make it simple on yourself. Be the loving. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 21, 2005

We're always in relationship to something - to where we find ourselves, to who we face, to who was there when we took our first breath and who is there when we take our last breath, and to who's there in between. Somewhere along the way, we find that we want something more than what's inside of us. That's part of the function of this world: to get us involved in expression, to take us from the place we are and move us forward. That in itself is an illusion, because the reality is we come to where we already are. But the world has a way of bringing us out and bringing the expression forward that's necessary to know that each of us is already present with himself or herself. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 15, 2005

If you had twenty-four hours to work this out in Love and Light or come back to the planet at another time to work it out, what would you do? Consider that. How would you address the other person in your tone of voice and the countenance on your face such that they wouldn't care what you were saying because they would be so awed by your radiant beauty? Consider that. Can you sing and dance in the rain? Consider that. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
May 08, 2005

When you don't love it all and you don't forgive it all, then you're basically holding yourself back. All that is needed is to decide whether you love and forgive yourself. Once you make that choice you choose the blessings. - John Morton, D.S.S.(From: "Cast Your Burdens to Spirit,” on the NDH website at

John Morton, DSS
May 03, 2005

The primary work of MSIA is Soul transcendence, which is not of this physical level. Yet in the world, we have nine areas of focus in this lineage we're following: health, wealth and happiness; abundance, prosperity, and riches; loving, caring, and sharing. Four of those qualities have to do with the material level in a very direct way: riches, abundance, prosperity, wealth. Those address an inner experience, of course, but they also address the material level as well, that we are called upon to manifest these qualities on the physical level and to demonstrate for others how God's blessings can be brought forth here. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Apr 28, 2005

What you are seeking will be delivered. It will come to you in a perfect way. We do have a dedication and consecration about who we are. We are the ones who have care and consideration for others. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Apr 22, 2005

You can't belong to the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, you belong to yourself - which is subject to all sorts of interpretations. Religion involves realignment. We in MSIA are participating in realigning. If you're looking for something dogmatic, MSIA is not that. We share our experiences moving towards the truth that is God. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Apr 16, 2005

The process of Spirit is inclusive and universal, and assists us to get past our differences. In the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness we don't have a right way versus a wrong way - we have a way that provides new realizations for us all to work with. We give over to a spiritual domain, to the Beloved One who shares the teachings with all who give to love. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Apr 11, 2005

When conflicts arise, one of the most important things you can do is to get yourself into Light consciousness. Ask for the Light to be with you as soon and as much as possible. In the Light, the conflict is resolved. It's cleared away because it can't stay in the Light. The Light can also help you see it more clearly so you can do what is your level of responsibility in the best way. The Light reveals clarity and resolution. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Apr 05, 2005

One of the primary ways to love the condition is being thankful for it. Start out with gratitude, and realize that if an adjustment is needed, it's an internal one. There's no use in blaming the outer condition by asking, "Why? or How dare you?" or creating a sense of betrayal or "I don't deserve it." You might as well look into the mirror and see that the conditions are reflecting your relationship to your self. And realize that at some level the conditions have all been agreed to by you. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS