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Feb 21, 2016

Attunement with Spirit is going to bring about greater understanding for you and help you be more relaxed and more at ease. Sometimes that calls upon us to let go of some tensions or negative concerns, but it is not a forced action. There's nothing like that coming from the Spirit. What comes from Spirit is an invitation or suggestion for a better opportunity. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "How can I know more clearly when a message is coming from Spirit?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Feb 08, 2016

Soul Transcendence is worth everything you do to get to it. You'll be grateful for whatever happens along the way in order to have the experience of your Soul. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Courage: Moving Forward from the Heart," on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Feb 02, 2016

Your life is full of new opportunities to create all that fulfills you. All experiences contribute to your learning and growth, some more than others, so you always have plenty of reason to be in gratitude for all you have been given. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jan 27, 2016

Keep in mind that spiritual exercises are a devotional practice. You are coming into worship. You are presenting yourself at the "altar", the place inside you in which God appears and you can experience yourself in the presence of the Lord God. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jan 21, 2016

There's great value when even one of us is directing our energy towards the Soul. There's an even greater value when more than one of us is doing that. If all of us are doing it, it becomes miraculous as a transcendent experience entirely of the nature of the Soul. So we get together in workshops, seminars, retreats and informal gatherings remembering that, "Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" [Matthew, 18:20]. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Courage: Moving Forward from the Heart," on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Jan 15, 2016

In MSIA and Soul Transcendence, we're going after the Soul. The Soul is your true self, the perfect nature within you. There's nothing flawed or handicapped about your true self. Not only that, when you become conscious of your Soul, it's a magnificent, beautiful experience with no exceptions. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Courage: Moving Forward from the Heart," on the New Day Herald Website:

John Morton, DSS
Jan 09, 2016

There is no urgency in Spirit and in living the truth that comes from God. You can relax and be patient as you determine what is serving the best outcomes. God blesses you regardless of your choices and what comes from your choices. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jan 04, 2016

Attuning to the Spirit can bring into you a stillness. It can also bring sensations that are related to Spirit. So when we call in the Light, you can feel the Spirit as energy that comes across your skin or the top of your head. Some people experience it as a coolness, like a breath of fresh air or a sense of relief. For others it can be energizing or vitalizing. It can also be something that you experience mentally so that your thoughts begin to shift. If you want to release anything that would interfere or restrict your experience of the Spirit, make that your choice and your intention as you call in the Light. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "How can I know more clearly when a message is coming from Spirit?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Dec 28, 2015

While in prayer, consider you are in communion with God in a very personal way. Listen. Give your attention to whatever is being revealed from within as a divine experience. Tell your story to God in complete trust that you are heard and understood and whatever help would serve any needs is on the way if not already done. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 19, 2015

We are working with what we call the whole or the Holy Spirit, and it does the conversion. It is the one that transmits the revelation for you. It reveals. It's not my place to bring the truth outwardly to you. It's your place to look at it inside, for yourself. You may see that you have an opportunity to reconnect and strengthen your self trust. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: " DSS: Your Natural Knowing" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Dec 15, 2015

In our dreams, we often work through what is needed as experiences and learning to help clear karma. You don't need to understand what the dreams are about. Be grateful to know that you don't have to work everything through physical level manifestations. Praise be to God. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 10, 2015

Know that Spirit never calls you into anything that you cannot handle, and the ways and means to triumph will be provided to those who cooperate and are willing to wait for correct timing and ways to appear. This often calls for patience with God working in mysterious or what appears as challenging ways. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 04, 2015

Could you be more open so that as you are breathing you cooperate more fully with the Spirit? The transmission from Spirit comes to you from within you. The source is inside. As you become more conscious of your breathing, you can become more conscious of this radiant energy that we refer to as the Light. So one of the things we do when we call ourselves forward into the Light is we bring ourselves into proper relationship with the Spirit. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "How can I know more clearly when a message is coming from Spirit?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Nov 28, 2015

The Spirit of God has reached into every level of darkness and brought the Light so that none who seek it can be denied. All are embraced by the Light, the love of God. You are free to move past all that confines, all the conditions. Choose wisely, choose freely. All is here now. The Kingdom is opened unto you. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "John Morton, D.S.S. on the Spiritual Promise," on the New Day Herald website at

John Morton, DSS
Nov 22, 2015

Rather than allowing conditions to take away from your well-being and happiness, choose to be happy and content with your being, regardless of your creations. We open ourselves up with every opportunity to love one another and to share in the giving with one another. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 16, 2015

Trust is very precious; it's your integrity. So once you've got it, it's very wise not to give it away in some false way and not to delude yourself, or mislead yourself, or deceive yourself. Listen carefully to whatever is teaching and guiding you. It's showing you something that you can look at and then see for yourself what you are learning and gaining as knowledge. When you can look, you can see, and then you can have your own experience. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: " DSS: Your Natural Knowing" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Nov 10, 2015

Let us bring our awareness to the divine presence within every one of us. Let us behold that God is always with us and unconditionally loving all of its creation. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 04, 2015

This world is a classroom in which we demonstrate our learning by making correct choices, and when we don't, we are brought the lessons and information necessary for our greater learning. This constant learning process is all part of God's perfection. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Oct 29, 2015

There is a higher standard of living available to us, which we can attain, that I call practical spirituality. Practical spirituality takes place each time we choose the loving response when other lesser or negative choices appear. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Oct 23, 2015

Shift toward the liberation, the beauty of the moment, the willingness to embrace the impact, the hurt. Something powerful goes on whenever we direct ourselves toward accepting and cooperating with whatever is in our presence. We move closer to God's presence in all things. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS