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Jan 11, 2011

Whenever you choose loving, you bless yourself and everything around you with God's love. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 86)

John Morton, DSS
Jan 05, 2011

In the Bible, it is written that "he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him" (1 John 4:16). When you get to know yourself as God's beloved, you find out you love yourself. So if you are not experiencing the love of who you are, you are in some way misplacing or misdirecting your awareness into something less than loving. The great news about that is, you can change. In each and every moment, you can adjust and redirect towards the loving of who you are. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 86-87)

John Morton, DSS
Dec 29, 2010

In the entirety of what we are doing here, we move to a consciousness of God, allowing what is of God's highest nature to become more realized in our consciousness. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 85)

John Morton, DSS
Dec 22, 2010

To look for God is to look to the loving, consider the loving, and find your loving and the loving of all. When you take exception and say something is not worthy of loving, you are saying that it is not of God. The willingness to look for the love, to focus on the loving, is the greatest key I know to discovering who God is. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 86)

John Morton, DSS
Dec 17, 2010

God works in invisible ways, and His signature often is without a trace. That is a reminder of who you are. You are the one you have not fully seen. You are the one you have not fully encountered. You are the one you are looking for. You are the invisible one. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 85)

John Morton, DSS
Dec 11, 2010

It is important to touch within every day, to have a moment when you cast your burdens upon the Spirit so that you go free. It is good to hold that moment, to sustain it. Your Spirit is then exercised instead of used to resolve the burdens of this world, which truly God can do and does do for us as much as we allow. During the day, resolve to do that as a more or less continual process. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 83-84)

John Morton, DSS
Dec 05, 2010

Our human experience shows that we cannot renew our love once and for all. We must touch into it over and over in order for our loving to become our reality. In fact, we can spend a great deal of our time disconnected, as if something is constantly pushing us off. Things happen in all kinds of ways to give the impression that we are not loving, that the world is not loving, and that we are in danger and faced with difficulties that may seem insurmountable. As we choose the loving, we realize that all our experiences bring us what we need so we can choose back into the loving and into Spirit. As we touch into that loving, we are protected, filled, and surrounded by God's loving embrace. Through our letting go completely in the loving, we allow God to do what only God can do and find the meaning of "with God, all things are possible." - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 83)

John Morton, DSS
Nov 29, 2010

Take some time during the day to touch into Spirit so that you become a greater conduit of this for yourself, for others, and into the world. Take a moment to breathe, to be aware of your breath, and to touch into the blessings of your life that you are. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 84)

John Morton, DSS
Nov 23, 2010

We get too caught up -- far, far too caught up -- in the way we look at things, instead of having the wisdom to just look at each thing for what it is, seeing it not as a cause to react or be upset, but just considering what it is in the simplicity of each experience as a learning. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 121)

John Morton, DSS
Nov 17, 2010

Trust that you can learn from each challenge, regardless of how disturbing or painful. That is a God-given right inside of you. Invoke your right to learn from everything. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p.121)

John Morton, DSS
Nov 11, 2010

The Blessing Dear Lord and all of Your creation, we bring ourselves before You to the holy place, that You have contacted us in the consciousness of the Soul. We ask that You open up our individual consciousnesses so that we may have Your truth and love revealed to us and that we may expand our ability to comprehend and understand. We give thanks for the consciousness we call the Christ and the Mystical Traveler. We appreciate that the opportunity is rarified, as many are called but few choose back. And what does it matter how many have chosen when each one You have chosen meets up directly with You? In Your consciousness, You take each one in completely, such that each of us becomes the Beloved. And as You are the way, each one chosen by You becomes the way and the truth and the Light. Those of us who are gathered together as the Beloved and who, for now, remain in this world give thanks for Your protection, for Your strength, and for knowing the purpose that is the Soul. We are here to fulfill the spiritual promise. We are here creating through grace, the grace of the Beloved. Baruch Bashan. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 242)

John Morton, DSS
Nov 05, 2010

At times my humanity gets the best of me. I react. I forget. So one of my prayers is, "Forgive me for forgetting I am divine." - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 113)

John Morton, DSS
Oct 30, 2010

In the Bible, it is written, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). That means we are always able to touch into God's kingdom. We are always connected to that loving presence inside. In the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, we teach taking the shortcut to touch to the loving inside. We teach touching into the love right now in this breath and in every breath. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 82)

John Morton, DSS
Oct 23, 2010

Your loyalty is not designed for this world. This world will betray you, and that is good news. The message of the world is, "This is not your world. As soon as you try to make your life complete in this world, the world is going to let you down." When the world delivers this message to you, don't feel picked on. Be grateful for the reminder. It is there to lift you. Go inside to the real world, where your Soul awaits you with your fulfillment promised by nothing less than God. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 123) Live Webcast with John Morton, "The Spiritual Principles of Health & Well Being Part 2" - Saturday, October 23, 2010, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at http://www.msia.org/live/

John Morton, DSS
Oct 18, 2010

Because out of God come all things, God issued all things through love. That is how they have come forth. And, by God, we have the strength to love all things. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 190) Live Webcast with John Morton, "The Spiritual Principles of Health & Well Being Part 2" - Saturday, October 23, 2010, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at http://www.msia.org/live/

John Morton, DSS
Oct 12, 2010

When you see the Lord, catch up. When you stray, the Lord is prepared to follow you and follows wherever you go, calling to you to come to where you belong, waiting ever patiently until you choose to return. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 77) Live Webcast with John Morton, "The Spiritual Principles of Health & Well Being Part 2" - Saturday, October 23, 2010, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at http://www.msia.org/live/

John Morton, DSS
Oct 06, 2010

Please, do not be cross with me, and I will hold the same for you. Let us be about our purpose with God, that together, in this moment, we may behold the grand design. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 66) Live Webcast with John Morton, "The Spiritual Principles of Health & Well Being Part 2" - Saturday, October 23, 2010, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at http://www.msia.org/live/

John Morton, DSS
Sep 30, 2010

The Mystical Traveler is not here to do something so you will like it. The Traveler is here to bring you what is true -- your authority to love it all as with God. If you came here to be more conscious and to know that you have what it takes to find inside the answers, the presence, your true nature, then you are in the correct place. If you're looking for something here in the world to do it for you, you will be disappointed. If you are willing to trust yourself and not allow someone outside of you to determine your life, then you're in the right place. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 197) Live Webcast with John Morton, "The Spiritual Principles of Health & Well Being Part 2" - Saturday, October 23, 2010, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at http://www.msia.org/live/

John Morton, DSS
Sep 24, 2010

Prayer Father-Mother God, we partake in the greater loving that we call forward, especially in any way that, at this time, we are unable to accept. We hold it forth as a loving potential that is ever-increasing. We ask for Your strength, Your wisdom, and the correct discernment inside to always know the loving choice and to bring forward the willingness to be the loving, to choose the loving, regardless of the conditions. So be it. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 192) Live Webcast with John Morton, "The Spiritual Principles of Health & Well Being Part 2" - Saturday, October 23, 2010, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at http://www.msia.org/live/

John Morton, DSS
Sep 18, 2010

One of the wonderful things about having adversity, difficulties, and challenges is that they will often show you a deeper love, a deeper strength, something that you did not know existed until whatever it took to overcome those challenges showed you what you did not know about yourself and what you were seeking. You have within you what it takes to triumph. Knowing you will triumph is a blessing. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: You Are the Blessings, p. 191) Live Webcast with John Morton, "The Spiritual Principles of Health & Well Being Part 2" - Saturday, October 23, 2010, 1:00 p.m. pacific daylight time at http://www.msia.org/live/

John Morton, DSS