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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Nov 30, -0001

One day we all will realize that this world was made for us to visit and learn the glory of God in Spirit. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

The very best in people is love. That is the truth of our being, that deep inside past our hurts, we are all God's love. So it's just a matter of opening up to God's love inside. And when we open up to our love with God, something happens in the world. It also becomes a place dedicated to God's love, and the only answer to what the world presents is loving. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

Sometimes it overwhelms us and stops us in our tracks when we find someone who is in need, but what is our life about? Is it about acquiring things? Having lots of money in the bank? Is it about having recognition publicly? Or is it about touching God's love in each person, in each situation? This is what leads to God. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

The choice that you, as a Soul, have in relation to doubt (or to anything else) is always to be loving. Do you understand that this is the divine purpose that all of us as humans have been given -- to love unconditionally? The rest of it is just etcetera. It's just commentary and specifics, that's all. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

There are times when we have experiences that we determine shouldn't be the way they are, which is a negative attitude, but not the reality. The reality is that things are what they are and that all conditions can serve us as a process toward peace. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

God issues forth love in all the creation, in all the aspects of the creation, with no exceptions. When we know that, we embrace all forms of God's creation. This is peace. This is an openness toward and an acceptance of the entire process of God. Peace has no opposition. Peace has no enemy. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

If we look through the eyes of peace, we don't see enemies and we don't see opposition. As we take on that perspective and shift our vision to the peace that is present, there's an opportunity to shift from opposition, from taking issue, into the process of peace that is life-affirming. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

Acceptance is very important in the process towards peace. It is not saying "I agree with you," but rather it means, "I have acceptance towards your point of view. I'm not going to kill you about it." It is a kind of a live and let live attitude so that we can live in peace with our differences. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

Peace is possible. Each moment that one individual chooses peace inside, the whole of humanity moves forward. We each have the ability and responsibility to become peacemakers in our daily lives. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

When you're having a conflict with someone or some situation, rather than take the attitude, I'm right and they're wrong, you might ask yourself, what are my perceptions that are not allowing me to understand? What biases might I have? If you have the opportunity to delve into the situation, you can participate and communicate toward understanding. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

Nothing is allowed to take place unless it is a part of God's perfection. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

When you are at your worst, the Lord is at his best and truly with you. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

Have the compassion that sees past whatever behavior is present, whatever form is in your midst, and see the Beloved in that, and know that it is the sanctification that comes from the Spirit. Whenever you find yourself outside of that compassion, when you find yourself back in this land of reflection, in this struggle, in the war of the consciousness -- it is simply an opportunity to call upon God's presence to realize that the cathedral of the Soul is within you. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

Right now, You know what is in our heart and whatever we have placed in the way. You know our judgments, our disturbances, whatever we have taken on as disease or illness. We offer that up by coming into Your presence, Your light, Your love, Your strength, Your power. We can let go, releasing any form of negativity. - John Morton, DSS (From: "Blessing of Our Divinity" in the eBook Blessings Here and Now on the MSIA store :

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

I can't tell you who's going to win this race of Soul Transcendence. This is not allowed for me to do. I don't have that knowledge and information at present, but I know its presence. Its presence is simply this…. eventually you will win. You will win the big race. It's your destiny and it's established. - John Morton, DSS (From: "Winning the Race to God" on the New Day Herald website :

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

Lord, through Your beloved Jesus, that one who has prepared our way through the Christ, we do ask for understanding, for Your presence, to be with us again. We ask You to be anchored to us as a way of being and expression. - John Morton, DSS (From: " Blessing of Good Will" in the eBook Blessings Here and Now on the MSIA store :

John Morton, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

Bless this day, wherever we go forward and whatever is coming to us, so everything takes place with ease and grace. If there are challenges and difficulties, we know immediately that You are with us and that You comfort us in our pain. - John Morton, DSS (From: "Blessing for Beginning the Day" in Blessings Here and Now, p 18)

John-Roger, DSS
Nov 30, -0001

Everyone can take a look at what we are accepting and when we are not accepting. Then, just be in awareness, like "Where is my awareness now?" If it is in, "I'm not accepting," then let go. - John Morton, DSS (From: "Acceptance - A Direct Way of Knowing God Consciousness," on the New Day Herald website :

John Morton, DSS