Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Jan 13, 2012

There are many examples from others who have encountered challenges from the world, from those in the world, be they family, friends, neighbors, or anyone else. People often bring our lessons and tests. We are called upon to determine what is true and best for ourselves. Within each of us is an inner master so we can have direct experience without need for others to interpret or express the god of opinion. - John Morton, D.S.S. Love Is In The Air - Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, February 25, 2012, 1:00 pm, pacific standard time at

John Morton, DSS
Jan 07, 2012

There is lots of scenery on the way to God. Take care that you are keeping your focus and involvements toward the highest good of all concerned. You will likely then realize much of what you see is not your level of concern but more something for you to observe and learn from as best you can without much involvement other than to radiate Light and love to all. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 30, 2011

Q: I am so tired with my responsibilities. I don't sleep well and the night travel and dreams I have leave me feeling heavy and saddened. A: You might find value in checking what you have assigned to yourself as responsibilities. It is very likely that you are attempting to manage or control things that are not yours. It won't work. They belong to others or are part of the natural order of things. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 26, 2011

Before you respond to negative thoughts and feelings you might benefit by considering your choice as a test of your loyalty to your Soul, your strength, your endurance. Consider that you can manage to go through this challenging time like a marathon run in which you have "hit the wall" and you are exhausted and discouraged and so desperately want to quit. There is a great spiritual benefit that comes through your willingness to endure with courage and dedication to finish overcoming this test from the world. You can choose to nurture yourself so you can then nurture others as a joy. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 20, 2011

There is bound to be some form of testing as the truth of your experience is revealed in the Light that is knowing. Each person has direct responsibility to be aware of their experience and determine what is true. As the truth is revealed, you will also find direction that clearly guides your choices and becomes a way of living that is free from the forms of doubt that would mislead you. This is the truth that sets you free. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 14, 2011

You will grow tremendously whenever you do what you can to be true to your highest consciousness. Be sure to do what is needed to be conscious with your Soul. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 08, 2011

Marriage is a place of life where the life force can come forth like a seed that is moving to fruition. It can go out and bless another life to come into the world, blessing your community and neighbors. A very powerful marriage blesses the world. That is why you often find that the people doing great things have a marriage that is a foundation for what they are doing in the world. Behind this great person is often a really great person. If you want to meet the truly great person, go behind the first one to the one who is supporting in every way what the other is becoming in the world. It is a great position of service, and God knows who is doing that. The world does not necessarily know, but God knows. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Dec 02, 2011

Keeping the faith is important to lifting and moving ever upward to what always awaits us in the glory of God. In the world, it can be gritty and downright hard to take and yet take it we can and will eventually. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 26, 2011

Your first prayer can be to ask God directly, simply what is wanted from and for you. Be open to accept the direction from within you from God. Trust this direction. Be willing to make the choices and take the actions that translate to you are fully cooperating with spiritual directive and guidance that comes to you. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 20, 2011

Let go of any negative judgment and move your faith in God to finding ways to cooperate and be happy with your life. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Nov 14, 2011

The Traveler's teachings are a directive, like a description and an instruction in how to be a Soul in this world becoming itself, enlightening itself, realizing itself. As you go inward and charge yourself up in the Spirit consciousness, the Traveler has a greater ability to clear the negativity from you. So then you have greater access to the higher consciousness and you become much wiser about who you are as a spiritual being and how you've conditioned yourself negatively as a human being. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Awakening to the Soul," on the NDH website at )

John Morton, DSS
Nov 08, 2011

There is a magnificent turning point in all that Spirit reveals which is unconditional love, mercy, and a call to rise up and step fully into the Light, beginning with acceptance for all that is, seeing the good in all that is, and placing trust, complete trust in the presence of the beloved one. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Oct 27, 2011

Remember to be patient and compassionate with yourself as you meet up with the challenges in the world. Trust that God is always providing whatever you truly need that serves your Soul and all of the creation. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Oct 21, 2011

It is always important to consider that your first and truly only relationship is with yourself/Self and God. Once you experience the inner mastery available to you through the high self and that which is God, you can then fully appreciate the perfection always present with you regardless of who else is involved and the outer conditions in your life. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Oct 15, 2011

God's will has no againstness nor punishment. God's will is entirely in your favor as you learn to meet the challenges in your living situation with a great attitude that you can handle everything in your life in a positive response that is sourced from within you. - John Morton, D.S.S. What You Can Behold, You Can Become -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Oct 09, 2011

Though we may be thousands of miles away from one another we all are immediately present within the inner sanctuary in which our oneness and connection with God welcomes each of us in silence and prayer. - John Morton, D.S.S. What You Can Behold, You Can Become -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Oct 03, 2011

Another way to look at what is going on in this world is we are continually being exercised in our growth and learning and so we are constantly being strengthened and enabled. What is chosen as a focus and involvement determines what is being strengthened and enabled. - John Morton, D.S.S. What You Can Behold, You Can Become -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Sep 27, 2011

Take a holiday from worrying, doubting and fearing by going nonstop into trusting the Lord. Once you arrive, notice you can take up residence on an ongoing basis. - John Morton, D.S.S. What You Can Behold, You Can Become -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Sep 21, 2011

Keep looking at any situation as a test that you can pass with the assistance available to you spiritually and by doing the best you can in response. Deep in your heart and Soul you know this already which is a comfort that helps you to trust and relax. That alone always helps. You are perfectly designed to use each and every condition to lift and be lifted, to learn and grow, and to discover the spiritual gifts that can become more manifest through your expression into the world. - John Morton, D.S.S. What You Can Behold, You Can Become -- Live Webcast with John Morton, Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 6:30 p.m. pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Sep 15, 2011

Find your solid foundation, the inner calm, the certainty of your Soul. And with whatever is revealed to you as your living truth you then will have the guidance and direction you need to move forward in your personal level. Often it is as simple as just loving whatever is before you. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS