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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Sep 29, 2013

When we get to know who we are in the Spirit, and in the Soul, it's so much more beautiful and magnificent than what's here. As we know our life in the Spirit, the opposite sense may start taking place where we might wonder, "What am I doing here in this world when I can be there in Spirit?" In asking that question, there's a part of us that's not realizing the value of experiencing what's going on in this world. Every aspect of every experience can be utilized to expand and open into new awareness. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "How Can I Overcome Nighttime fears?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Sep 22, 2013

Perhaps you have some responsibility to confront and deal with what is troubling you in the world. Jesus confronted the people who were about to stone the adulteress. Perhaps he considered that if he intervened they might turn to throw stones at him instead. Regardless, he reflected to them that they were in judgment of the woman and yet they were not without sin which could bring upon them a stoning. Nobody was stoned that day and Jesus helped the woman understand it was because the judgments were stopped. He also admonished her to sin no more which was a message that she was still subject to the law even though it was grace that let her live another day. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Sep 17, 2013

Move forward from your gratitude and devotion, and be open to receive. Take care of yourself as you accept God's blessings for you. Remember, God helps those who help themselves. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Sep 10, 2013

Know that God already knows all that is involved with you and all that is about you. What is needed to overcome and thrive upon every challenge is fully prepared and awaiting your trust. This moment, every moment, calls upon your greater good and love to become more manifest. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Sep 05, 2013

As you confront or meet up with a fear, you can realize it isn't an actual source of fear. It's just what you've associated with something that frightens you and it's an opportunity for your learning and growth. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "How Can I Overcome Nighttime Fears?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Aug 29, 2013

Every situation and circumstance is designed by God to bring out the best in us. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Aug 24, 2013

Here is a healing to behold. Take some time, five minutes is plenty, to visualize the tissues, the cells, the nerves and nerve centers, all illumined and fully revealed to your sight within. Invoke the anointing and blessing of Christ Jesus, the infinite mercy, the infinite power to renew, to restore, to be born anew. Behold this as best you can. There is no need to tarry when you place this squarely upon your faith in God. Know that it is His will being done to use you as a co-creator. And in this moment of surrender with God, see yourself acting entirely according to God's will, which is full of life, full of joy, full of peace and good tidings. Let your cup of blessings be full and running over and over to all without need of measure. Baruch Bashan - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Aug 17, 2013

Be open and patient with your learning and growth. In each moment you have an opportunity to choose with your maturation as a Soul living in this world. - John Morton, D.S.S. In the Now - Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 17, 2013, 1:00 pm, pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Aug 12, 2013

Allow yourself to be surprised by the unpredictability, generosity, and sweetness of Spirit. - John Morton, D.S.S. In the Now - Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 17, 2013, 1:00 pm, pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Aug 06, 2013

Having fears come up at nighttime may reflect a sense of concern about the death experience in that you are leaving your body by going unconscious through the so-called sleep state. What may be bothering you in terms of your fear is not consciously knowing where you are going as you leave the body. Part of us knows what's going on when we're leaving the body into what is actually a very active state on other levels. In the sleep state, we can place ourselves into spiritual protection. We have the ability to project into the sleep state experience, including whatever may be processed as negative psychic influences such as worldly fears, worries, nightmares and the like. We can bless whatever is coming forward to be worked out through the sleep state by consciously placing ourselves into the Light just prior to going unconscious through the sleep state. Remember to be positive with your intention and focus through prayer with the Light surrounding, filling and protecting you for the highest good just prior to going to sleep or anytime as needed. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "How Can I Overcome Nighttime fears?" on the New Day Herald website: In the Now - Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 17, 2013, 1:00 pm, pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 31, 2013

With every opportunity and choice that comes before you, do all you can to keep your wits so you are guided clearly and entirely by serving God's Highest Good. The beauty of that intention and willingness is that there is a clear path that transcends the trappings of this world that play out in greed, lust for power and recognition. We do not choose short term outcomes that seem so right until they are not. As you trust your heart and Soul, you will have the very best source of direction so you can navigate each opportunity with grace and ease. Know that God already knows all that is involved with you and all that is about you. What is needed to overcome and thrive upon every challenge is fully prepared and awaiting your trust. This moment, every moment, calls upon your greater good and love to become more manifest. - John Morton, D.S.S. In the Now - Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 17, 2013, 1:00 pm, pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 25, 2013

When we see spiritually we are attuned to God's vision and we see clearly what is serving the highest good. Our eyesight sees clearly what can be seen through the prism and lens of Spirit, which also is illumined by the Light that reveals all is good, all is of the majesty and beauty of God in the highest. - John Morton, D.S.S. In the Now - Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 17, 2013, 1:00 pm, pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 19, 2013

Remember that with acceptance you learn to take in whatever you need to process about your life. Every challenging situation is a blessing. Keep looking, keep asking, keep listening, and keep following what you know from your heart and Soul that is true. - John Morton, D.S.S. In the Now - Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 17, 2013, 1:00 pm, pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 13, 2013

Be patient so you hold for each step to come forward in ways that work for what is needed, and often are already ready for choices working with ease and grace. - John Morton, D.S.S. In the Now - Live Webcast with John Morton, Saturday, August 17, 2013, 1:00 pm, pacific daylight time at

John Morton, DSS
Jul 07, 2013

I have greater trust of what is true inside of me than what seems to be true outside of me. So I see faith as something that gets exercised in our trust and what we entrust ourselves to. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jul 01, 2013

By enduring here and maintaining yourself through whatever experience you're in, the Soul is gaining tremendously, even in one breath. Part of the challenge is often we don't realize that. What we teach in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness is how to realize and become more aware of our Soul in each moment. When you do, you're going to find yourself moving into a calm state. And yet in that calm state, you'll still be alert because as you relax and come into ease with what's present in your life, you become more available to move and flow with whatever you're doing so you can get the most out of it. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "How Can I Overcome Nighttime fears?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Jun 25, 2013

Vengeance isn't our level of concern. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord" [Romans 12:19]. God is the ultimate keeper of our brothers and sisters. So whoever might come against us, we can love them regardless. They are still our brothers and sisters. They are loved by God just as we are. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Am I my Brother's Keeper?" on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Jun 19, 2013

Within you resides a divine inner knowing of what you need in order to handle every situation in the world including whatever others present and the conditions confronting you. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS
Jun 13, 2013

There's an opportunity to give from that spirit of giving that simply loves someone, and that does something very precious. - John Morton, D.S.S. (From: "Giving and Forgiving," on the New Day Herald website:

John Morton, DSS
Jun 07, 2013

Letting go is letting God and a good move. God is moving you to become all that you are to become in perfection. - John Morton, D.S.S.

John Morton, DSS